3 out of 4 College Students
Reported experiencing overwhelming anxiety at some time
(The American Institute of Stress)
Of 18-25 year-olds received mental health treatment
Of parents are trying to solve their children's problems for them or are afraid of letting their child fail
(PEW Research Center)
79% of Gen Z'ers
Have felt/are lonely
(Cigna Loneliness and the Workplace Report)

Planning for the fluidity of life.

After interviews with dozens of young adults, we found that many aren’t pessimistic, but many have difficulty dealing with uncertainty in their life. As a result they are less optimistic about their future.

For young people and all people,

  • Their future success
  • Their relationships/friendships
  • Their mental health
  • Their self-esteem

Are the most important to their growth, but are often the most volatile. Given the pace and culture that most young adults exist in, it can be difficult for them to find space to reflect and look meaningfully into themselves, which tends to only make matters worse.

“Mixing the heart of a journal with the structure of a planner, The You Book connects mental health, goal setting, and life planning.”
Natalie Guadette
High School Counselor

Johari Window Methodology

Johari Window Explained:

The You Book Journal is based on the concept of the Johari Window, as developed by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955. It is a tool designed to foster self-awareness by identifying what we might not know about ourselves, and this process of discovery is crucial to designing your life plan.

Our Activities

Relationship Tournament

The purpose of the Relationship Tournament is for you to continuously be able to evaluate the relationships in your life that impact you positively, negatively or neutrally.

External Evaluation

The purpose of the External Evaluation is to ask others to evaluate us. This way we can get a more accurate picture of ourselves without our own bias.

Reflection Quadrants

The purpose of the Reflection Quadrants is to establish a benchmark of how you’re doing personally in order to maintain your mental health.


The purpose of the Anchor Goals is to help you learn how to fully align your values and your growth with your goals.